“How Can We Help the Teens?”
We hear this question often. One very important way is to donate gift cards. These are very helpful in our work and actually have a variety of uses.
Sometimes teens have specific needs like a bed sheet, diapers or work shoes. If we don’t have donations of these items we can purchase them with a gift card.
The cards are also a great incentive. If a youth follows rules of the group home or graduates from probation we give them a small gift card which is very exciting for them. So you could potentially be donating a “Happy Birthday” or a “Congratulations, you finished the tenth grade” gift.
And they are so important in helping build relationships with the youth. Many important and beneficial conversations have occurred in a restaurant while the teen is enjoying some food with their mentor or case worker.
We’ve found these to be the best gift cards for our needs:
Dining: Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Chick Fil A,
Groceries: Kroger, Meijer’s,
Necessities: Walmart, Target, Five Below
Other: Columbus Metro Parks (to pay for recreational classes for the girls); other fun activities
Would you like to provide gift cards for the girls and boys we serve together?
- Please email us at info@gracehavenohio.org to learn more or to arrange transfer.
- Mail them here: Gracehaven, P.O. Box 14004 Columbus, OH 43214.

Showing Love in Tangible Ways
“Judy” had successfully completed the goals that she had set with her Gracehaven case manager, so it was their last time to meet together. She’d also just come home from the hospital with her first baby. Her case manager watched this young lady prepare for months to become a mother, and had listened to her worry about not having all that she needed. She lived with other family members in a very small space. Using gift cards that had been donated to Gracehaven, her case manager shopped at Target for items she needed: a breast pump, a nursing pillow and a diaper bag. She was also able to bring dinner. The look of joy on her client’s face spoke volumes. We’re thankful to help this young lady and her new son in such a tangible way.

Donated Gift Cards Enable Student's Success
Staying focused in school was a real struggle for "Sandy," and she often complained to her Gracehaven case manager that she felt physically tired and lightheaded.They started meeting before school to eat breakfast and talk together, thanks to someone who had donated McDonalds gift cards to Gracehaven. Sandy said that actually helped her to feel better and do well in her classes throughout the day. "She even earned an A on the test she had that day!" explained her Case Manager. "The next week, I was able to take Sandy to the grocery store, and we used another donated gift card to help her pick out some simple breakfast foods that she could eat in the mornings before school. Her attendance has been increasingly better since then, and she has even stopped skipping classes! Thanks to these Gracehaven supporters, it's now our routine to meet before school each week and eat breakfast together to start Sandy's day off right!"When Gracehaven donors contribute gift cards to fast food restaurants or grocery stores, they're not just feeding troubled teens for the day -- they're helping to teach them healthy habits and life skills. Gift cards enable important conversations with counselors and in some cases, like Sandy's, can lead to better grades and success in school.