Creative Opportunities to Build the Mission

Write Your Will

Tax-Smart Giving

Estate Design Service

Legacy Shield

Plan Your Future
Share Your Blessings
One day in 1988, the Board of Trustees of Central Ohio Youth for Christ (the parent organization of Gracehaven) met to discuss a crucial topic -- should they close the chapter for good. Finances were bleak. It seemed the only option. But no one wanted to end YFC's outreach to at-risk teens. So the Board decided to take the night to pray and meet again the next morning.
The next day a special check arrived from the estate of Mary Brubaker for $50,000 -- enough to pay off the debt and keep the doors open. But one question loomed -- who is Mary Brubaker? No one knew her. Yet because she had included YFC in her estate plan, our chapter remains open and vibrant to this day.
We want to give our friends the opportunity to support the mission through your estate like Mary did, and be part of the Mary Brubaker Giving Program. Our Legacy Giving Department will help you with your estate planning needs, from helping you complete a basic will to a comprehensive and personalized estate plan. We will help you share your heart with others long after you have entered eternity. Contact us today to begin this process:
Tom Aakhus