For Those on the Front Lines
Gracehaven provides training and technical assistance to inform, prevent, and enhance the state's response to human trafficking. We are committed to building the capacity of both professionals and communities to identify and respond to the complex needs of youth who have been trafficked and exploited.
We offer training to first-responders, community and faith-based organizations, licensed social workers, child welfare professionals, healthcare practitioners, justice professionals, housing authorities, public health agencies and other professions to ensure each young person who has been trafficked is recognized and offered comprehensive, survivor-informed care. We accomplish this by collaborating with partners throughout Ohio, as well as the nation, to deliver skill building and enhancing trainings that are coordinated, innovative and results driven.
Trainings have been conducted for, among others:
Ohio Association of Child Caring Agencies (OACCA)
Center for Family Safety and Healing
Huck House, YMCA PALS, and Big Brothers Big Sisters
The Ohio State University
Public school personnel and teachers
Columbus Public Health Department
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Mt. Carmel Community Health Care Workers
To inquire about or schedule an Intervention Training program, please call 614.665.0665, or send an email to